
3 cameras N&B Diagnostic Instrument : SpotFlex from Diagnostic Instrument, with a CCD image sensor of 2048x2048 pixels that are 7.4 μm large. It is a 14-bit camera (16383 grey levels in depth). 

1 camera colour, Diagnostic Instrument : SpotFlex from Diagnostic Instrument, with a CCD image sensor of 2048x2048 pixels that are 7.4 μm large. It is a 14-bit camera (16383 grey levels in depth).

1 camera  Hamamatsu, N&B Orca Flash 4.0 V2 with a CMOS image sensor of 2048x2048 pixels that are 6.3 μm wide. It is a 16-bit camera (65548 grey levels in depth).


Aliquam gravida ullamcorper tempor. Donec efficitur sem in nisi malesuada gravida. Fusce et sodales mi. Aliquam volutpat ante sed ex tempus, ac dignissim felis finibus. Vivamus auctor luctus viverra. Donec in nisi a arcu pretium dignissim. Cras cursus urna in nisi malesuada, sit amet varius tellus consequat. Sed ac pharetra nisl, ut tincidunt sem. Etiam consectetur, arcu vitae porta euismod, dui erat facilisis erat, ut viverra nulla urna quis tortor. Curabitur sed ligula elit. Sed eget nibh scelerisque eros convallis posuere non sed ante. Vestibulum mattis feugiat quam eu euismod.

Microscope dédié aux cultures de coccolithophores

Jusqu'à 48 cultures peuvent être suivies pendant quelques jours. Toutes les heures 24 images de chaque culture sont prise en lumière monochormatique. Ceci permet de suivre la calcification jour et nuit....   

3 Leica DM6000 microscope, with a x100 objective having a numerical aperture of 1.47, and a condenser lens having a 1.2 numerical aperture. 

Avaliable filters : 

Three circular polarizers made by Chroma Technology Corp. are integrated in the microscope. One right circular polarizer is positioned as analyzer. It consists of a linear polarizer oriented at +90° placed below a 1/4 lambda plate oriented at +45° mounted in a Leica cube and placed in the upper automatic turret of the microscope. This is a convenient place when one wants to automatically remove this analyzer to use other filters. If this not necessary, the analyzer can be placed in its regular position.

One (and one) left (right) circular polarizer, LCP (RCP), made of a 1⁄4 lambda plate oriented at 45° (-45°) followed by a linear polarizer oriented at 0°. These two polarizers are used alternatively when taking images of the same crystal. LCP and RCP are placed in the revolving filter chamber of the automated condenser block. For manual use, a 1⁄4 lambda plate could be placed under a linear polarizer, and rotated manually from -45° (LCP) to 45° (RCP).

One of five monochromatic bandpass filters centered at 435, 460, 560, 655, and 700 nm (AT435/20X, AT460/50M, ZET561/10X, AT655/30M and ET700/50M; all from Chroma Technology Corp.) is positioned in the light trajectory after the light bulb. The 561 nm filter is used in routine work because of its versatility (see below). The other filters are used to test the method and in special occasions when studying relatively thick calcite particles in the range of 1.4-1.9 μm in the case of 700 nm; or for detailed measurements of thin particles in the range of 0.2-0.4 nm for the 435 nm filter.

Sed mattis lectus non est cursus faucibus. Nulla id libero aliquam, sodales diam ut, hendrerit dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur odio turpis, blandit eu enim sit amet, finibus porta lorem.